PeaZip is a free archiver that supports many archive formats: 7Z, ARC, BZ2, GZ, PAQ / LPAQ, PEA, QUAD / BALZ, TAR, UPX, ZIP and only unzip formats: ACE, ARJ, CAB, CHM, COMPOUND (MSI , DOC, XLS, PPT), CPIO, ISO, Java (JAR, EAR, WAR), Linux (DEB, PET / PUP, RPM, SLP), LHA / LZH, LZMA, Mac (DMG / HFS), NSIS, Open Office files, PAK / PK3 / PK4, RAR, SMZIP, U3P, UDF, WIM, XAR, XPI, Z / TZ.
PeaZip allows editing, storing and restoring archive files; applying filters to the content; work with multiple archives at once; encryption via AES 256. Also split / merge archive files, secure deletion, generate passwords and more.
License: Free (Open Source).
Whats New in PeaZip 7.8.0
(Linux) Can now optionally use system p7zip, if installed, from Options> Settings, General tab
requires p7zip-full (or equivalent package) to be installed in order to have a 7z binary compatible with PeaZip’s requirements in terms of syntax and features
Various fixes
Improved control over temporary work directory, used when the archive is created or edited, during drag and drop extraction (Windows), and content preview
Output: faster as no copy to destination is needed, more secure as no content is unpacked / decrypted outside of the intended destination path
Output, preview in user’s temp
User’s temp (as conventionally used by most applications): in case of failure for any reason, user’s temp folder is the single place to look for orphaned data and can be safely cleaned
None, user’s temp if needed: allows exceptions to perform drag and drop extraction and preview using user’s temp
None: no exceptions allowed, no temporary work data is saved, this does not allow to perform neither drag and drop extraction nor preview, as archive content cannot be transparently unpacked and passed to system’s drag & drop handler, nor to the associated applicatio
Added read support to .appxbundle format
Download: PeaZip 7.8.0 for Windows 32-bit (8.10 MB)