Express Burn is a small and easy-to-use program designed to burn CDs / DVDs. Supports creation and burning of ISO image files, burning of Data / Audio CD, Data / Video DVD, drag & drop, HD-DVD and Blue-ray discs.
With Express Burn, you can easily burn audio CDs, video DVDs or data to CD / DVD / Blu-ray discs by transferring the files to the Express Burn icon and pressing Burn. The Express Burn program interface is easy to use and navigate for your files and added files or folders.
Express Burn also has advanced capabilities for creating and saving ISO images and support for most file formats. Express Burn Plus is one of the fastest CD / DVD burners using its own optimization system.
The interface is clean and super easy to use. In fact, you only have one main window with a few buttons. Before you start recording, choose the type of compilation – whether it will be an audio disc or a data CD (Data CD). To do this, use one of the two buttons. To add files to the compilation, simply grab them with the mouse and drop them somewhere in the main window. You can also use the Add Files button. MP3 files are automatically converted to WAV when you record a music disc. The following audio formats are also supported – wma, au, aiff, ra, ogg, flac, aac. For audio files, you also have two additional buttons – Play and Stop, with which you can listen to the tracks directly from the program before recording them. Jolliet and CDA file systems are supported.
There are also Add Folder buttons with which you can directly add an entire folder to the compilation, as well as Remove with which you delete files from the project. Use the Create Folder button to create a new folder in the compilation, where you can move and add files.
Recording begins by pressing the Burn CD button. A dialog box opens where you can select the device and recording speed. Unfortunately, the program does not recognize the recorder automatically, nor the maximum recording speed, and you will have to select them manually from the drop-down list. However, even if you do not set the exact speed, but only specify that it records at the maximum possible, the recording is obtained without problems, so the program still recognizes to some extent the capabilities of the device.
If you don’t need heavy and large commercial recording packages, you can try Express Burn – it’s completely free, launches in a second and doesn’t load your computer much. License: Freeware.
Download: Express Burn 10.00 (935 KB)