PDF24 Creator is a handy utility for creating PDF files or converting PDF files to multiple file formats.
The PDF24 Creator installer installs a PDF printer called “pdf24”. You can use this printer in windows like any other printer. After printing a document on pdf24, the PDF file will be created automatically and a wizard will open. Here you can save, view or edit the PDF file.
PDF24 Creator contains a PDF editor that you can use to combine several PDFs into one, split PDFs, extract pages from a PDF, copy one or more pages from one PDF to another, and set document properties such as title and author , encrypt PDF files and prevent unauthorized printing, convert documents such as Word, Excel or images to PDF.
The integrated explorer facilitates the processing of PDF documents. Previewing each PDF gives you a quick overview and helps you edit it. There is also a built-in PDF viewer to view PDF documents.
License: Freeware.
Whats New in PDF24 Creator 10.0.10:
Mediabox rotation improved
The Mediabox rotation is used for overlaying content. Improvements had to be made here because problems occurred with certain PDF files. The function now also supports Mediabox definitions where the lower left coordinate is not in the origin. This is quite rare, but some PDFs use this possibility.
Use of metadata when converting images to PDF
Metadata is now also evaluated when converting images to PDF. The orientation that can be stored in the metadata is used here. Based on the determined orientation, the rotation of the page in the PDF is adjusted accordingly. In this way, the user no longer has to correct the orientation afterwards. Especially with photos that come from smartphones, the orientation is often incorrect. This improvement now simplifies the conversion of images into PDF files.
Direct embedding of JPG images in a PDF
JPEG images are now embedded in the PDF without re-encoding. This often makes the PDF file size much smaller and the quality remains the same. This behavior can be controlled via the registry setting Img2PDFPassThroughJPEGImages (DWORD [0|1]).
Online converter block removed from the settings area
The online converter block has been removed from the Settings UI, as this option is also available from the features area in the settings. The duplication is not necessary here.
Problem with transformation matrices fixed
When calculating transformation matrices used in PDF files, two errors have been fixed which caused problems with certain PDF files. The new calculations are now correct.
Fixed script error in the toolbox
We fixed some script errors in the toolbox that occurred when using certain languages such as Dutch. We had to make some changes and add extensions so that the translated text does not cause problems with the scripts.
Fixed a script error when displaying grouped results in the toolbox
The toolbox shows the results of an operation grouped if this is necessary. When viewing these groups, a script error occurred with certain input files. The reason for the problem was the file name. Filenames with certain characters caused this problem. We have investigated and fixed this issue.
Three untranslated text translated in the toolbox
In the toolbox there were still 3 untranslated texts. The texts were displayed in German. Here we have improved so that these texts now also use the translated version.
Download: PDF24 Creator 10.0.10 (121 MB)