DriverMax is a free program that allows you to backup and reinstall all drivers for your Windows. If you need to reinstall your operating system, you can easily reinstall your drivers from a backup. You can choose to backup / reinstall only certain drivers or all of them. DriverMax can compress them into a ZIP package.
DriverMax makes it as easy as possible to reinstall drivers on your computer. Copies all drivers to a folder or archive that you specify, and after reinstalling Windows, uses the folder / archive to restore the same drivers. You save time and nerves. In addition, the program can display a complete report on the installed drivers, their versions, release dates, etc.
With DriverMax you don’t have to look for different driver discs or installation CDs. What you need to do before the next reinstallation of Windows is through the program to save all used drivers in a folder or in an archived file. After installation / reinstallation you will have everything you need in one place.
License: Freeware.
Download: DriverMax 14.11 (5.88 MB)